丽晶s 分钟 - August 2014

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology


9:00 a.m.2014年8月2日,星期五



ag亚游集团App下载 校董会 convened at 9:00 a.m.,与校董会合作 主席Richard N. 木匠主持. 其他 Board members present were 丽晶 Jerry Armijo,摄政王Debra Hicks,摄政王Deborah Peacock和学生摄政王Israel Rodriguez-Rios. 出席会议的大学管理人员、工作人员和嘉宾包括:

1. 会议通知证明. 的 meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. 由主席 在总统确认已经发出了适当的法律通知之后,卡彭特.

2. 批准议程. 的 Chairman announced that in the future, the monthly 财务分析应该被列为一个行动项目,而不是信息. 的 议程被一致通过由摄政王皮科克和另一个人提出的动议 来自摄政Armijo.

3. 分钟.  2014年5月9日的会议纪要获得一致通过 a motion by 摄政Armijo and a second by 丽晶 Hicks.

4. 公告.

登记更新.  校长洛佩兹指出,秋季入学人数将持平或略高于去年 一年. Ms. Jaramillo-Fleming补充说,从历史上看,大学损失了大约40人 支付申请人. 学生宿舍已经住满,并且完成了对总统的翻新 Hall will add an additional 50 beds, bringing the total close to 800. 去年, University had a 99 percent occupancy rate. 总统s Hall received its certificate of occupancy after a very successful renovation, reported Mr. 绅士. 1939年的建筑 was last remodeled in the 1980s. Even with new furniture and equipment, the project was completed within its $1.500万预算. Mr. 绅士 offered to give 丽晶s a tour at their next meeting.

资金的公式. 总统说,在连续几次之后,筹资程序正在取得进展 与主要机构代表举行会议,包括高等教育署署长; all of whom are beginning to understand the complexity of the issue. 他预期 在10月中旬之前达成共识,届时方案将提交立法机构 财政委员会.

策略规划更新.  自去年11月以来,战略规划委员会每两周召开一次会议 is on schedule for an end-of-the-一年 completion, said Ms. Jaramillo-Fleming, the initial 25-member committee now divided into smaller communities. Dr. 桑尼菲尔德, 一位委员会成员指出,这些组织正在努力创新和专注, and that the process is moving ahead. A strategic plan is just that, a plan and not a budget document, added the 总统; it is intended to provide direction and focus 在一段时间内.

新的资金要求.  将琼斯大厅改建为机械工程中心将需要大约5美元 以600万美元对总统洛佩兹所说的“功能失调”进行全面翻新 建筑.他说:“大学亦可能要求校方提供一次性的园林绿化维修经费; however, capital funding is less of an issue this 一年, he noted. 接着是一个 discussion on reasons for the success of ag亚游集团App下载’s ME program. 原因之一是 被引用的是学生在他们的大学和大学期间从事设计项目的机会 junior and senior 一年s; team projects, active recruitment, and faculty involvement. 同样被引用的还有《ag亚游集团App下载》吸引学生从事炸药研究的效果.

EMRTC Partial Payment of Playas Deficits. 他在报告的开头警告说,最终的总数尚未制成表格, 总统宣布EMRTC在过去的一年里已经减少了100多万美元的债务 他乐观地认为,这一分歧将彻底消除.

新研究生学位.  洛佩兹校长指出,该大学正处于漫长进程的早期阶段 发展两个新的研究生学位课程,应用生命科学和工程学 学科. Dr. 罗梅罗指出,正在讨论的问题之一是联合 生物系和另一个系之间的任命,尚未确定.

成功的计划.  总统表示,他已经开始计划在2016年6月底退休 通过甄别可以晋升到更高职位的年轻人 向前过渡. He will expand upon the issue in his goals report to the Board 2014年.

休假.  Dr. Dezember apprised 丽晶s of a sabbatical granted for Dr. 安德斯·约根森, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering.

教师参议院.  Dr. 索南菲尔德指出,去年向董事会提交的教师报告 《ag亚游集团App下载》今年没有更新,并补充说,积极的发展已经展开, including improved campus parking. 其他 developments: 1) A new position has been authorized for the Psychology Department; and 2) Improved processes, improved transparency. 他挑出了博士。. 并补充说,他将在9月辞职 meeting after two 一年s as chair.

其他.  总统 洛佩兹 announced that he and Mr. Adams had discussed a resolution to clarify 从查尔斯·海登的财产转移到基金会而不是 the University, thereby making the process more efficient. 主席问 the proposed resolution be presented at the September meeting. 同样在九月 总统高尔夫锦标赛,需要更多的志愿者来帮助运营 the tournament and to find sponsorships for additional team players.  关于 债券发行C,如果通过,将提供资金建设 化学建筑.  University employees cannot actively campaign for passage of the Bond or expend state funds in support of the Bond issue in November; however, 丽晶s were encouraged to lobby for its passage. In addition, ag亚游集团App下载 has 被标记为对WIPP设施进行独立审查的领先大学 在卡尔斯巴德,在1美元以下.6 million proposal through the state Congressional Delegation. A series of public meetings will be announced. 的 总统 cited Espanola native 乔瓦尼·卢凯蒂(Giovanni Luchetti)是NMT校友,目前正在攻读一项重大医学专利的博士学位.D. 作为斯坦福大学学生质量的一个例子. Ms. Jaramillo-Fleming waged a friendly challenge to Dr. Romero for the best division float in this 一年’s 49ers parade.

公众意见.  没有一个.

Degree Conferrals for June 2014.  ag亚游集团App下载 conferred nine degrees during the 2014年6月.

Financial Analysis for June 2014.  Mr. Marquez reported revenues of $41.100万年 2014年 compared with $38.8 million for 2013, and expenditures of $36.600万 $35.600万. Tuition and fees collected exceeded last 一年’s total by $569,067. Overhead income is $694,657 ahead of last 一年.

Promotion to Full Professor for Dr. 苏Bilek.  Dr. Dezember brought forward for 丽晶s’ consideration promotion to full professor for Dr. 比莱克在E区&ES部门. 丽晶 希克斯请求批准. 摄政孔雀 seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Capital Projects/Five-Year Facilities Plan.  的 University’s five-一年 plan has been 更新,琼斯大厅的翻新成为优先事项列表的首位, 然后是MRO. Dr. Romero apprised the Board of a pending visit from the vice president 他参与了智利的新望远镜项目. Dr. 罗梅罗将邀请他的访客参观MRO的山顶设施.

10. 获奖通知.  丽晶s were referred to their meeting notebooks for details of this informational item.

11. Property Items Resolution, Reference NMSA 1978. Mr. Marquez introduced the following 决议. 140802-01,移除5000美元以下的破旧或过时的财产:摄政 孔雀移动请求批准. 丽晶 Hicks seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. 140802-02, 拆除价值超过5000美元的破旧或过时的房产:摄政王阿米霍(摄政Armijo)申请批准. 摄政孔雀 seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. 140802-03,要拆卸 cannibalized property over $5,000: 丽晶 希克斯请求批准. 摄政Armijo seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. 140802-04, to remove cannibalized 5000美元以下的房产:摄政王希克斯申请批准,随后是来自 摄政孔雀. 的 motion passed unanimously.

12. 退休状态申请.  Dr. Dezember presented for Board approval emeritus status for the following five faculty: Dr. 肯特·康迪,E&ES; Dr. Steve Shaffer, Math; Mr. Barry Sabol, Physics Laboratory; Dr. 宋宗伟,CS&E; Dr. 约翰·威尔逊,E&ES. 丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios moved that emeritus status be granted to all five. 摄政Armijo表示赞同 the motion, and it passed unanimously.

13. Set 2014 – 2015 Meeting 日历. Ms. Garcia assisted 丽晶s in scheduling meetings 为了来年. All meetings are in Socorro unless otherwise noted. 2014年, 日期:9月. 10月9日,. 11月16日及11月. (卡尔斯巴德,暂定). 2015年的日期如下:  2月. 6 (Sana Fe), March 13 (Santa Fe), April 12 and May 8.

14. Individual Board Member Comments.  丽晶 Hicks cited examples of how members’ contacts can be helpful to students; i.e., one student landing an internship with 德克/ Perich /萨巴蒂. She also thanked 摄政孔雀 for hosting “a great tour” 在静修期间. 摄政孔雀 in turn expressed her gratitude to Chairman Carpenter and his wife, Leslie, for their hospitality. 丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios thanked Dr. Dezember for her service as interim V.P. 学术事务. 摄政Armijo touched on a number 他在讲话中谈到了许多话题,包括将海登庄园的资金转移到 基金会,以及语料库的学生奖学金的收入潜力. He called the retreat “one of the best we’ve ever had.” Noting that several 丽晶 任期将于今年年底到期,Armijo引用了丽晶的经验,机构 现任董事会的知识和专业证书,以及这些素质如何 have served the University well. 的 总统 closed by apprising 丽晶s of his 与斯塔尔基金会的两位负责人会面,以及他为获得资金所做的努力 for student travel to competitions.

15. 新业务.  没有一个.

16. 员工福利信托.  的 Board recessed at 10:50 a.m. 作为利益相关者召开会议 信任. Mr. Marquez reported 的 信任 recessed at 10:53 a.m.

休会. 不需要第17项和第18项,也没有其他业务 为了提交给董事会,卡彭特主席于上午10点54分宣布休会.m.




