董事会议- 2014年5月



1:30 p.m.2014年5月9日,星期五





新墨西哥科技董事会在下午1点41分召开会议.m.,与校董会合作 主席Richard N. 木匠主持. 其他出席的董事会成员包括摄政王黛布拉 Hicks, 丽晶 Deborah Peacock, and Student 丽晶 Israel Rodriguez-Rios. 大学 administrators, staff, and guests who were also present included:

1. 会议通知证明.  下午1点41分会议开始.m. 由主席 Carpenter after the 总统 affirmed that proper legal notice had been given.

2. 批准议程.  议程由摄政王动议通过 希克斯,另一封是丽晶·皮科克. 主席宣布没有执行人员 会话.

3. 分钟.  The 分钟 from the April 13, 2014 were approved, with two typographical errors corrected, on a motion by 摄政Armijo and seconded by 丽晶 Hicks. 运动 通过一致.

4. 公告.

介绍.  校长洛佩兹介绍博士. 大卫·伯利,学院参议院的代表 博士的缺席. Richard Sonnenfeld; and Dr. 乔治·维尼,国家洞穴和 卡尔斯巴德喀斯特研究所(NCKRI). Dr. Veni去年报道了这一点 was spent building a national and international reputation, and hosting conferences, “Money is tight, but we’re building up our research credentials,” he said, inviting 董事们来参观设施. 沉坑成了讨论的焦点. 超大杯 解释过程和形式. “我们正在尽最大努力从最近的陷坑中吸取教训 事件).” Dr. 罗梅罗建议董事会计划在卡尔斯巴德召开一次会议.

毕业典礼.  总统 洛佩兹 announced the schedule for the May commencement exercises.

负责学术事务的副校长候选人.  The 总统 completed interviews with VPAA candidates last Friday, and has reviewed 关于每位候选人演讲的在线反馈. 24名申请者中的5名 接受了采访. 很快就会作出决定.

建设更新.  应总统的要求. 伊达尔戈向董事会通报了新项目的进展情况 Bureau of Geology building, which remains ahead of schedule thanks to “a good set 图纸和优秀的承包商.“总统赞扬了. 绅士的 他的努力.

登记更新.  Ms. Jaramillo-Fleming reported enrollment statistics for Fall 2014, noting that 付费申请者人数超过去年,但增速有所放缓. 三分之一的付费申请人 被列为少数民族. 她指出,西班牙裔学生的保留率约为75% percent for 2012 – 2013, compared with an overall retention rate of 76 percent. 总统 洛佩兹 noted that retention stats have been “very constant” over the past several years. Having done well with persistence rates for Hispanics, the Chairman suggested that Tech acquaint Native American students with programs and resources that would meet 他们的需求. The school has a fairly good representation of Native Americans, including AISES校园分会. Ms. Jaramillo-Fleming将跟进这些建议.

教师参议院. Dr. Burleigh, on behalf of 教师参议院 Chair Richard Sonnenfeld, announced that faculty selected Google over Microsoft by a large majority vote, which should save 基金. 教师 also put into writing the unwritten policy regarding emeritus status: the department nominates the candidate, the name goes to the VPAA 批准, then to 总统 洛佩兹 for his approval, then submitted to the 校董会 for final 授权.

其他. The Board will consider a special meeting, following legal review, regarding emeritus 状态请求. The 总统 raised the issue, noting that a request has been made for an individual who is leaving the 大学, but seeks emeritus status to maintain 与学生的学术关系. 讨论结束后,总统洛佩兹 noted that it was useful in getting the policy in sync with legal requirements.

Dr. Dezember noted that five new department chairs will take over by July 1; and that a campaign to curb underage drinking has met with some success; i.e.根据一项调查, 87 percent of 大学 students never missed class due to drinking. 一个讨论 遵循了理工学院的学生纪律政策.

公众意见.   没有一个.

2014年5月毕业生批准.   Dr. Dezember brought forward for Board approval the list of graduates, comprised 其中学士学位182个,硕士学位34个,博士学位4个.D.s. 董事会正式批准 the list of graduates on a motion by 丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios and a second by 丽晶 Armijo. 动议全票通过。.

2014年3月财务分析.   Mr. Marquez reported no items of concern, while the Playas 研究 and TrainingCenter continues 逐步减少其债务. EMRTC主任约翰·麦森指出了欠债总额 of ~$600,000 including Playas and IERA, with a promising outlook on future projects 10月之后. 1. 在讨论中,澄清了有冲突的数字分录. 丽晶 阿米霍提议批准财务分析. 摄政王希克斯支持这项动议 一致通过了.

季度财务报告.   丽晶s were asked to approve the quarterly financial report as given by Mr. 马尔克斯是 根据财政和行政部的要求. 摄政王孔雀感动了 批准. 丽晶 罗德里格斯-里奥斯附议了这项动议,并获得一致通过.

2014遣散税债券决议- 3.  Mr. Marquez brought forward the three resolutions for Board approval. 决议 for Approp ID 14-2122, $90,000, Magdalena Ridge Telescope: 丽晶 Hicks moved for 其次是瑞金特·皮科克. 动议全票通过。. 决议 for Approp ID-2123, $75,000, north campus parking lot: 丽晶 Hicks moved 批准. 摄政王皮科克附议,议案全票通过. 决议 for Approp ID-2124, $25,000, parking lot south campus: 摄政王阿米霍动了 批准, 第二封是瑞金特·罗德里格斯·里奥斯发来的. 动议全票通过。.
无限制基金购买超过25万美元.   Mr. 马尔克斯请求批准 以下购买项目:蓝线租赁,256,799美元.20日,EMRTC. 摄政王阿米霍动了 批准. 摄政王皮科克附议,议案全票通过. Macey Façade Renovation, $428,000, Bradbury-Stamm Construction, which includes $800,000 for mechanical system improvements: 丽晶 Hicks moved 批准, followed by a 第二个是瑞金特·罗德里格斯·里奥斯. 动议全票通过。. 校园餐饮服务 Contract: The 大学 was required to go out for bid on the contract. 一个校园 committee rated the proposals, with Chartwells submitting the most competitive, best 总统指出. 合同包括增加餐厅的座位 hall and enclosing the current patio, which is not well utilized. 摄政Rodriguez-Rios, who moved to approve the bid from Chartwells, cited significant improvements in the 服务种类和质量. 希克斯摄政王附议,一致通过.
获奖通知书.  Dr. 洛佩兹和Dr. 罗梅罗向董事们解释了目的 of a $245,000 project undertaken by the Tech Transfer Support group. 研究 对MRO很重要吗.

属性项决议,参考NMSA 1978, 13-6-1.  Mr. Marquez introduced new property director 史蒂文·希克斯, and requested approval 关于财产处置的三项决议. 分辨率140509-01 obsoleteor worn-out items less than $5,000: 摄政王孔雀感动了 批准. 丽晶 罗德里格斯-里奥斯附议了这项动议,并获得一致通过. 分辨率140509 - 02年 for obsolete or worn-out items over $5,000: 摄政王阿米霍动了 批准, followed 摄政王希克斯的一秒钟. 动议全票通过。. 分辨率140509 - 03 for salvaged equipment over $5,000: 丽晶 Hicks moved 批准. 摄政Armijo 附议,一致通过.

个别董事会成员意见.  丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios thanked 大学 staff for their efforts on behalf of Commencement 活动. 利金特·皮科克感谢奥巴马博士. Veni的演讲. 摄政王希克斯附和道 the sentiment, encouraging the Board to visit the NCKRI facility in Carlsbad.

新.  下午4点的招待会.m. will mark the debut of an area off the Office for Advancement featuring historical memorabilia for alumni to view and browse through, as part of 庆祝理大125周年校庆. 董事们还讨论了可能的日期 参加一年一度的静修活动,暂定在8月5日. 圣达菲1-2人,有成员 建议可能的地点和行程. 对于八月的会议,卡彭特主席 said presentations would be limited, and there would be no handouts.  Mr. 价格建议 an update on a Bureau project regarding the San Juan Basin , to be completed in October. 大家一致认为,希拉里. 加西亚将作出安排并通知董事会.

员工福利信托.  董事会于下午3点42分休会.m. 召集… 利益信托. Mr. 马尔克斯报告说信托基金运作良好. 的信任 下午3点43分休会.m.

18. 休会. With items 16 and 17 vacated, and there being no further business to bring before the Board, Chairman Carpenter adjourned the meeting at 3:44 p.m.




